Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do hairdressers get paid at least minimum wage? If so, why do we have to tip?

Ok, so I understand that waiters and waitresses get a base pay that is below minimum wage and we tip to supplement that. What about hair dressers? Do they get paid below the minimum wage as well?Do hairdressers get paid at least minimum wage? If so, why do we have to tip?
I'm a hairdresser. I don't get a base pay or minimum wage. I only get paid if someone sits in my chair. I also only get a commission of what the client pays for my service. Some days minimum wage would be more than you would make all day, especially when you are starting out or are new to a town. Tips are very much appreciated to help cover our costs for training and our tools. But you do not have to tip.

When I know a client appreciates me and my service, they become a client I want in my chair again, a client I might try to go above and beyond for even when I'm short on time or patience.

In other situations there are people who get 100% of what you pay but they have to provide everything they use to perform a service for you. That includes a rent payment to work in that salon, towels, soap, shampoo, conditioner, shears, combs, brushes, blow dryer, irons, hair spray, any hair products put in your hair, hair color, bowls, bottles, applicators, capes, etc... There are also some who DO make minimum wage until they meet a certain dollar amount for a company, then it might change to a commission.Do hairdressers get paid at least minimum wage? If so, why do we have to tip?
It's a service in which the workers have to put up with a lot of crap, just to eke out a living...just like waiters and waitresses, massage therapists, nail techs... these are job fields in which many patrons feel it is their right, or even duty at times, to have someone cater to their every whim.

For instance, if the 80 year old woman with the baby fine white hair comes in and wants to look like Beyonce Knowles and insists that her stylist can make her look like that, it's the stylist's job to divert her to something more flattering. The patron walks out looking and feeling lovely, and the stylist deserves a huge tip for not allowing the woman to give herself a ridiculous makeover.

Also, personal services rarely carry any kind of insurance benefits including sick leave, so consider tipping to supplement their health care costs...and because they deal with the public, they tend to be exposed to more of the bugs going around.
I think they mostly get commission, but that's besides the point. When someone performs a personal service like that, the proper etiquette is to tip. Hairdressers don't get into the biz to make minimum wage, and if you go to one that does, I can guarantee a bad hairdo is coming your way. Usually it's 10/15 % of the service, however, if it's the OWNER of the salon, they shouldn't be tipped bc they are getting all the profit, unlike the stylists that are hired to work there. if you don't want to tip, I think they still make flowbees!
I think hairdressers do get paid more than minimum wage. However, most of the costs go toward managing the business: products, location, utilities, etc. Also, it is both a manual labor and human services job. Just imagine working on your feet all day, using the same repeat movements over and over again which cramp up your muscles, and focusing on the needs of the customer making sure they are having a pleasant conversation and time in your locale. Due to the amount of time, mental and physical energy it takes is the reason why you should tip the hairdresser. However, i also believe if your hairdresser does a bad job, is rude, ignores you or works in a super expensive shop you don't have to tip.
Stylists can make little money or lots of money. Having been one for awhile, I know what it's like to make very little (when just starting out), and a decent amount (after a few years). Still you don't tip because they don't make minimum wage- you tip because they provide a service, and you appreciate it.

Stylists work off hours (nights and weekends) to accomodate you, work on their feet all day (ouch), get carpel tunnel (from that mean blow-out you wanted), and deal with people who expect the impossible DAILY.

Would you be more upset if a waitress brought you an undercooked meal, or if you left your salon with under-processed hair (a pretty shade of flourescent orange)? I think you'd choose the second. They accomplish somehting you cannot do at home. TIP them.
Have you tried to live on minimum wage lately? Hairdressers get tipped because they are in the SERVICE industry - Most service industry employees, food service, bartending, hairdressing, etc., do not get paid minimum wage unless they work for a large chain. Most hairdressers rent their space from the owner of the salon where they work and have to pay a percentage of what they make.

If your hairdresser does a good job, tip accordingly. This person has your hair in their hands...
Mostly hairdressers only make what each customer pays for their hair cut. But they don't keep it all because they have to pitch in for bills to keep the shop up and running. So pretty much everything you pays goes into their kitty then has to go to all the bills around the salon then they get what is left. So if you want them to feel appreciated I say give them a tip, unless they totally mess up your hair.
The majority of hairdressers are paid on commission. They are not making any money unless that have a client. They could be at work for 4 hours and not make a dime if they do not have a client. They get a certain percentage of the cost of the service they do. Plus the tips. The tips are a huge part of the industry. Us hairdressers really greatly appreciate and rely on any tips we get. So if they do a great job, be generous!!
It's just customary. You don't HAVE to tip, it is a way of showing your appreciation for a job well done. It's the same as with other spa services. For example, a massage therapist usually gets a percentage (often 50-60%) of the fee for the massage. However it's customary to tip an additional 15% to them if they do a good job.
each shop is different some the hairdressers are paid NOTHING and have to rent the chair they use from the owner of the salon some they split pay they receive with the owner ( hair cut costs 25 dollars there might be a 50 /50 split or some other precentage 25 going to hairdresser 75 going to house )

and do NOT complain about tipping makes you sound cheap and nasty

are you cheap and nasty?
Hairdressers , Are paid very well. Where are you people from the dark ages?? And I suppose you all think that Hairdressers are High School drop outs?? You tip a Hairdresser for their services, just like a waiter, or waitress. On how well they do their job, on how well you like what they have done. If you don't like what they have done you don't have to tip. They usually get 50 - 75% of the cost of their service. Sometimes more.
What a hair stylist makes depends on the salon. She could rent her chair. She could be fresh out of school and paid a commission, for ex. It really all depends. My stylist is available to do hair 7 days a week! That amazes me but she does this for her customers - she is building a good business.

I tip because it's the right thing to do. She does a very good job. I appreciate her and want her to know that I do.
My mother has been a cosmotologist for 32 years. Trust me they make no where near minimum wage. She even bought out the business she had been working for and now owns it. She makes not even twice as much now being the owner. It is very bad pay. Tip Tip TIP away.
Some do. You are tipping them for service well done, as most hairdressers are paid only on their commission, with take home/base pay being very little. It took them $$ and time to get trained and licensed, not tipping is simply rude and ignorant.
It's illegal for anyone to be paid less than minimum. That being said, it's EXTREMELY difficult for a person to live off of $8.00/hour, and the tips make up a big part of the salary.

Also, you should tip if you want to walk out of there looking half-decent.
A tip is not a requisite. Tips are ';gratituties'; that are given for a job well done. If you are not pleased with the cut, or if you simply cannot afford to tip, then don't. Althought, I wouldn't recommend going back to that stylist again after stiffing her/him.
Every salon is different, but they do not make very much at all. Where I live most salons have hairdressers renting a chair there. They don't get paid anything but a small commission and rely on their tips to pay the rent and pay their bills!
No, they do not, it depends if they are working for a company like Hair Cuts or other that paid them a check. But, if you go to private owned business they look and act like you should or you would receive a bad do.
Even if it is only minimum wage that alone isn't enough to survive on and tips help out a lot for a job well done.

They are doing a service that only talented people are able to do.
How can you get paid below minimum wage? I think its called minimum for a reason. You don't have to tip anyone, unless you want extra service, if you know what i mean, wink, wink
Hair dressers pay themselves, whatever they charge you that's what they get paid you tip because that's a nice thing to do for someone who works on your hair over an hour to make you look good.
You tip them if they did a good job, and you expect to come back, and you want good treatment. By the way, waiters do get minimum wage, that is the law. That's why they call it minimum wage.
A tip is something extra you give for a job you think is well done, it is not necessary to tip unless you want a good hair cut the next time
No. But its polite to tip because they are doing a service for you. You tip everyone who is in the beauty industry. Plus they have to sweep up your hair after.
Because some people, unlike you, are generous. We like to show appreciation for a job well done.

You are obviously stingy.
Some just rent thier space so they get no pay except for the work they do.

at some shops they do get a basic salery. not enough to live on.

good luck
No, you never HAVE to tip anyone. It is the consumer's decision to tip or not. You have no obligations.
tipping is a weird thing that society just does. I pay $40-50 for my haircut and tip about $10 - I love my hairdresser she always does a great job!!!
Staring off yes, we do get paid minimum wage. We provide a service to !! No need to be snotty.
Im not sure but I know they don't make much. We tip them so they can make enough to pay their bills.
They get the minimum wage + tips.
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