Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do hairdressers always cut hair too much when I only ask for a TINY trim and stress how little to chop off?

It happened again. She asked 1 inch? I said no, quarter inch, and showed her how tiny wiht my fingers, about a million times and told her how I usually cut it myself because it always gets cut more than I want. The girl cut at least a good inch off and I'm pissed.Why do hairdressers always cut hair too much when I only ask for a TINY trim and stress how little to chop off?
i asked for my hair lady to cut two inches and my hair was REALLY long and the lady ended up cutting soo much she donated it ... ):!!!!!!!!!Why do hairdressers always cut hair too much when I only ask for a TINY trim and stress how little to chop off?
For a few reasons

If you go to a generic place (like supercuts or mastercuts) the hairdressers are usually inexperienced. They will intend to only cut a quarter of an inch but it looks uneven, they will have to cut more off to make it even and repeat that process because they suck

Or they don't like you so they cut too much off so you won't come back (I doubt that though...haha)

Or you have a lot of damaged hair so cutting off an inch will make it healthier.

The first one is probably it though!! :)
OMG!, that's what always happens to me, so now i cut my own hair!, i asked her to cut of about 2cm, and cuts off 10cm!, and i'm like i asked for 2 cm, and then the hairdressers like, 10cm shorter looks better on you, and im like what!?, i asked for 2cm, and seriously i do not look good with short hair!.

Okay, just to defend all the hairdressers out there I have to say that when you cut hair wet it can shrink up to a full inch (or more)when it dries(depending on your hair type.) So sometimes they don't realize how much hair they have cut off until it's dried. That being said, it shows that she clearly doesn't have very good customer communication skills and doesn't know how to listen. Hopefully she can work on that and not give us hairdressers a bad name!
You've got yourself a scissor happy hairdresser.

I've had the same hairdresser for 15 years, and as much as I love her, I'm moving on.

I got my hair cut on Friday. I tell her I'm trying to grow it long and I just want a trim. I say an inch, she cuts off 3.

I guess some hairdresser simply like to cut off hair.

Time to find a new hairdresser I guess :)

Good luck!
you probably didn't show her what you thought was a quarter inch. and yes obviously there are stylist who are better than others but every single stylist that works in a salon has gone through school and passed their state's boards. im not saying every single stylist out there is going to listen to you 100% and do exactly what you want 100% of the time but if your not happy with her then give someone else a try. im sick of people giving all stylist a bad name! from one experience!
typically, if you are paying less than 25-30 dollars for a haircut, you aren't going to come out with the hair you want to come out with.

women at places like great clips got their degrees from crappy vocational schools and dont have a lot of experience.

if you want it done right, pay the extra price.

if you went to one of the better places, the woman is probably just new, or had a bad day
I dont know! They do that to me all the time. I usually dont want my bangs cut if they are not too long. They keep insisting me please cut them even a little bit. Then after the haircut, I cannot fix my hair anymore because it is way too short!
i guarantee you showed her more than a quarter inch with your fingers. that's REALLY small. if you're only getting a quarter inch cut off, you're wasting your time and money.
Becuase whether you like it or not, they really do know what they are doing- if you go to a reputable place, if not then it is on your shoulders what they do/did.
they want to make you look awesome(or so they think you look awesome) NOT WHAT I WANT, DUDE!!

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