Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do some hairdressers refuse to give you the haircut you asked for?

Sometimes, they don't even cut it the length you want!Why do some hairdressers refuse to give you the haircut you asked for?
That's a sign of a poor hairdresser.

I have had experiences with people who give you something similar to what you asked for, but they tweak it according to what THEY think will look good on your head. People like this are almost always over-estimating their own skill. However, on a couple of occasions, I have been pleasantly surprised.

A truly professional hair stylist will listen to what you want and make suggestions, but will never just hack away without consulting you and first asking your permission.

Another example of a GOOD stylist:

I once requested a style that I didn't realize wouldn't work with the way my hair grows, and the hairdresser was able to politely explain this to me, and offered several suggestions for a different but similar sort of cut.Why do some hairdressers refuse to give you the haircut you asked for?
You should go to a hairdresser for a blow dry a couple times to see what they are like %26amp; if they listen to you before you get them to cut your hair. It may cost a little more, but at end of the day you want the best stylist for your hair.
well, probably because they don't know how to do the hairstyle and they don't want to mess up your hair. but about the length thing....i don't know... maybe they don't want your hair that way? lol
What!? I never had this problem, however it may be that they fear you wont look good OR they are incompetent and feel they wont do it right. Honestly I just hate when they get excited with the scissors and cut more than I asked them to!
maybe they think it wouldn't look good on you, but still its frustrating not getting what u want when you specifically asked for it.
i know thats why i get nervous when i cut my hair.
Cause they like playing with your hair...they try having fun with it...They'll do it the way they want it...
ik! so annoyig!

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