Friday, January 22, 2010

Why do hairdressers always cut more hair than asked?

I have long hair and I say trim just a little and they cut about 3 inches...why?Why do hairdressers always cut more hair than asked?
No they should not! say exactoly how much a littel trim is if it is 1/2 and inch say half an inch. they may say you need about 1 1/2 inches to get the split ends off or something like that;. But they must do as you ask as you are paying.

Suggest that you change your hairdresser.Why do hairdressers always cut more hair than asked?
This doesn't pertain to ALL hairdressers, though, i do agree that many I have come across in my lifetime do do this. Perhaps they believe you should have more off.. or maybe they see splittage and damage further up the shaft than you see. I also feel that people are off base with eachother when it comes to measurement... what one person percieves as an inch, another person may not. An inch is an inch and both hairdressers and clients need to familiarize themselves with just how much an inch exactly is to prevent situations like yours. On most combs, there are inch measurements.

So just to keep on par with their clients... maybe hairdressers should use the little ruler on their combs more and let their client be aware of just how much they truly are taking off.
Because, You ether have alot of Dead ends....or The reason(Which is probley it.) is because they cut hair wet, Meaning your hair stretches, and it will go back to it's original shape once cut and dried, making it shorter then what you ask...
Maybe their definition of a ';little'; is different than yours? Be more specific of what you want. :) I found that out the hard way ..

Anyway, since you didn't specify they're just going to cut off all the dead ends and everything.
yes I know that always happens!

answer mine please:;鈥?/a>
They were probably cutting all the dead ends off. But three inches is a lot. Get a new hairdresser.
they either are careless or they are just cutting the dead hair with the split ends off
ya they always do cuz they cut off the dead hair too!
i hate when that happens to me especially on my bangs!!
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