Friday, January 15, 2010

Is it okay to take a picture to the hairdressers?

I know lots of people do it, but I never have because I've always been a bit self-conscious about doing it. Do hairdressers mind?Is it okay to take a picture to the hairdressers?
they would be totally okay about it unless the girl in the picture had a great bodyIs it okay to take a picture to the hairdressers?
of course its ok, i do that all the time. it just gives them a better idea of what u want them to do
Of course it's fine. Hairstylists actually like it when you do because what you have in mind for a haircut or style may not be what they have in mind, So bringing in a picture is perfectly find, and the hairstylist may even thank you for it.
i always bring in pictures from mags or of my friend through facebook if i want my hair to look a certain way. its totally fine and they wont mind at all it is actually better because then they would have somthing to refer to but then again it sometimes is hard to make your hair look that way because all hair is different
hairdressers actually prefer it.

it helps them understand more clearly what your desired look is

(: don't be self conscience about it, go ahead and take it in.
Don't worry about it, I felt like that before but they actually prefer it because it gives them a better idea of what you want, so don't be shy :)
yeah i do it all the time and i think it helps them out a lot because it gives them more of an understanding of what you want so they wont be worried about messing up
My Wife did that once because we both liked the hairstyle a model had in a magazine. Her hairdresser told her that women do this all the time but quite often she will talk them out of that hairstyle because of the shape of the person's face. Just because it might look on one girl doesn't mean it will look good on you but at least she can do something similar or a style that is more flattering.
Of course it is. I mean you want to give them and idea of what you want your hair to look like don't you? There's no reason to feel self-conscious this will actually help them to know what you want you're hair to look like. Hope you like your new hair-style :D
Absolutely I'm a hairdresser of over 20 years working at top flight, Its fab when someone brings in a picture as it enables us too see exactly what the client wants. A lot of clients however like the look of the model not really noticing the hair, so always compare your own hair e.g. thickness , length , to your picture. A good hairdresser will work with you to achieve what you want. The best advice I could give you is sample a few different salons in your area, all good salons will offer a complimentary consultation, have a blow dry first and see how you get on, then build up a relationship once you find a stylist your comfortable with you really can't go wrong.

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