Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is permanent hair dye bad for your hair like the hairdressers say it is?

I want to dye my hair couple of shades darker but the hairdresser keeps saying that semi-permanents are better, however the semi's dont hold and I have to keep getting it done ALL the time which is costing a fortune. Are they just saying this to get more money over time???Is permanent hair dye bad for your hair like the hairdressers say it is?
No, I dyed my hair perm and cut at 12yrs old. Now I'm 17 and well the damaged stayed and it is barely rejuvinating to its natural color. I will not dye my hair so and you should stick to a new hairdresser that can do your semi perms with lesser costs. Ask friends and family or ask for discount.Is permanent hair dye bad for your hair like the hairdressers say it is?
They mean that if you dye your hair darker you can damage it because it is a stronger chemical also if you want to ever dye your hair you'd have to bleach it, which can chemically damage your hair even more. Unless your definite on keeping your color for a while a long while then go for it, if unsure, then test it out.
It is okay but you got to keep it to a minimum if you do it to much and your hair will get brital and nastay and one day it could possibly fall out.
No, They're not just saying it to get more money, Semi is less damaging to your hair then Permanent.
yeah..but prolly no worse than always dyeing your hair..which just frys it...so i would say use stay out of the sun..user darker shade enhancing shampoo..andplease give your hair a break.

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