Monday, January 18, 2010

What happens to discarded hair at the hairdressers?

Hi everyone,

A silly question I know, but was wondering what hairdressers do with the hair they cut off?

The obvious answer is they throw it away, but was wondering if they did anything else with it, e.g. wigs?

Thanks in advance

PhilWhat happens to discarded hair at the hairdressers?
Normally the hair is thrown away, but on several occasions a few of our clients have requested that we save some clippings for them so that they can put it in their garden. I'm not sure what exactly the purpose of hair in a garden serves, but I would imagine since hair is part protein it would help nourish the soil, or in winter keep the gardening areas insulated. If someone is getting 10 or more inches of virgin hair we can donate it to Locks of Love or a similar organization, where it can then be made into wigs for children who have lost their hair due to illness.What happens to discarded hair at the hairdressers?
I really hope they do throw it away!! Well probably they all do. But it could be a suggestion. :P I don't think it's very nice to have my hair cut off, and then be used for a wig, I would expect to be paid for that. But in the past, yes they used to cut hair, and make them wigs. But it would have been paid for and besides the style wouldn't have looked nice on the one who had his hair cut, it would have been rough and no style, but common people did it for money.
they have to throw it away because in most cases hair can have many types of dermatitis.

the hair is also usually to short and completely dead to use for anything else.
Yip, it get chucked away

Some salons will offer clients with very long (and healthy) hair a free haircut if they can sell the hair...not much profit but hey something is better than nothing
They usually just sweep it off the floors and throw it away. It is usually too damaged or too short to do anything with :) Hope that answers your question.
We used to shuck it away.
Most people don't cut their hair completly short. Trims are the result of dead hair on the end, possibly split ends. You must go to special hair salons and direct them to donate your hair. It needs to be past a certain length, though. I hope this helps!
yeah they throw it out .. like the other poster said its too damaged or short to use it. There are places salons you can go and donate your hair to them of course it has to be so long and so forth to do so. And ive heard of some ppl wanting to keep some of their own hair to make a scrapbook with but as for the salons them selfs thats what they do.
They have to cut A TON off to make a wig, and they have to neatly collect it. No, they don't cut your hair then make a wig from the stuff on the floor/ You can request it, depending on the parlor, that it be made into a wig for a fee.

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